What is "Mitah Chevudah"?
Rashi: It is adorned with beautiful sheets.
Targum Yonasan: Dargeshin Makivin. Radak ? Chazal said (Nedarim 56a) that Dargesh is a bed to honor the Mazal. The Targum of "Ripadti Yetzu'ai" (Iyov 17:13) is Ma'acheis; the Targum of "Mishkav v'Safos" (Shmuel II, 17:28) is Machvin.
Why does it say "Aruch"?
Radak, Malbim: It is arranged with all kinds of nice foods.
Where is the table?
Radak: It is in front of the bed. Their custom was to recline on beds while eating, like Chazal said (Brachos 42a).
Why does it say "u'Ktarti v'Shamni" (Mine)?
Radak: I gave them to her, and she used them to serve idolatry, like it says above (16:18)!
On what is the Ketores and oil?
Radak: It is on the bed. Their custom was to burn incense after eating, like Chazal said (Brachos 42a). They put fragrances on the coals to make smoke with a nice smell.