
What is "l'Mishkav Dodim"?


Rashi #1: They made a Bris.


Rashi #2: This refers to Chizkiyah, who rejoiced over the messengers of Merodach Bal'adan, and fed them on his table and showed to them his treasure house. The Navi said "Anshei Mechukah Al ha'Kir" (14) because they came from a far land, and Bnei Kasdim were not frequent by them ? "me'Eretz Rechokah Ba'u Elai" (Melachim II, 20:15). They were dear to him because he saw them once. Hashem was adamant ? "Hine Yamim Ba'im v'Nisa Kol Asher b'Veisecha?"; "v'Lo chi'Gmul Alav Heshiv Yechizkiyahu Ki Gavah Libo v'Hayah Alav Ketzef?" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 32:25).


Radak: It is to join with them in serving their gods and their deeds. They will be the same, in one conduct.


Malbim: They came to make a Bris of love.


How were they Metamei her?


Radak: They taught to them the ways of their idolatry.


Malbim: They conquered them and forced them to pay taxes.


Why does it add "va'Titma Vam"?


Malbim: They learned the abominations of the Kasdim.


What is the meaning of "va'Teka Nafshah Mehem"?


Rashi: Yehoyakim and Tzidkiyah rebelled against them. "Va'Teka" is dislocated, like "va'Teka Kaf Yerech Yakov 1 " (Bereishis 32:26). Hoka'ah ("v'Hoka Osam" ? Bamidbar 25:4) is an expression of connection and inserting wood in the ground; Ke'iyah applies to removing from the ground. We find that "va'Tashresh Sharasheha" (Tehilim 80:6) is taking root, and "uv'Chol Tevu'asi Tesharesh" (Iyov 31:12) is uprooting.


Radak: This is like "va'Teka Kaf Yerech Yakov", removing something from where it is stuck. The root is Ka'a (with two Ayin's).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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