What is "Matzuk"?
Radak: It is like "Tzukah" (Yehoshua 8:22, i.e. affliction). It can be an adjective or noun.
Radak based on Targum Yonasan: It is other afflictions (other than creditors or poverty). He leaves his house to forget his afflictions.
Malbim: His soul is internally afflicted.
What is "Noshe"?
Radak: It is a creditor. The Aleph is in place of a Hei. People fleeing their creditors would go to David.
Malbim: It is an external affliction.
What is "Mar Nefesh"?
Radak: It is poor, like "v'Yayin l'Marei Nafesh", Yishteh v'Yishkach Risho" (Mishlei 31:6, 7)
Chomas Anach: He is bitter over his Aveiros. David returned them in Teshuvah.
Malbim: It is an angry person. He risks his life on the battlefield.