
Why does the Torah give the girl such a lengthy description "Na'arah Besulah Me'orasah"?


Sanhedrin, 66b: "Na'arah" - 've'Lo Bogeres'; "Besulah" - 've'Lo Be'ulah'; "Me'orasah" - 've'Lo Nesu'ah'. If the girl is a Bogeres, 1 a Be'ulah 2 (not a virgin) or married, or where her father has handed her over to the Sheluchei ha'Ba'al 3 she is not subject to stoning.


Six months after she develops signs that she is a Na'arah.


Rashi (in Kidushin, 9): Because a Be'ulah is Chayav Chenek like a married women (as is a Bogeres - even if she was a Na'arah at the time of intimacy - Kesuvos 45a).


See Torah Temimah, note


What are the implications of the phrase "u'Metza'ah Ish ba'Ir"?


Rashi: It implies that the incident would not have taken place 1 had the girl been at home. 2


Rashi: In keeping with the saying "The hole invites the mouse!'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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