Why does te Torah repeat the word "Ish"?
Yevamos, 70a: To forbid a Kohen who is an Areil - like a Tamei - to eat Terumah. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 13.
Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) word "ve'Hu Tzaru'a O Zav ... "?
Rashi (Sefarim Acherim): To teach us that Aharon himself (the Kohen Gadol) is forbidden to serve if he is Tamei. 1
Rashi: We would otherwise have thought that, since a Kohen Gadol may serve when he an Onein, he may also serve when he is Tamei.
Which Kodshim is the Pasuk referring to?
What are the connotations of "Ad asher Yithar"?
Rashi (Sefarim Acherim): It means until the sun sets (nightfall) and not until he Tovels - and we learn this from "u'Bo ha'Shemesh Vetaher" in Pasuk 7. 1
What are the connotations of "be'Chol T'mei Nefesh"?