What are the connotations of "li'Retzonchem"?
Rashi: When you bring a Korban Olah, be sure to bring one that will cause Hashem to accept it - a male that is not blemished.
Seforno: It comes to preclude Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis, which do not come to appease, from the P'sul of Ba'alei-Mumin.
Sifra: It teaches us that if a Tzibur is lax in bringing their Korban, they cannot be forced to do so. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 111.
Why is one not permitted to bring a Ba'al-Mum on the Mizbe'ach?
Seforno #1: Because Hashem's works are perfect; therefore what one brings before Him 1 must also be perfect. 2
Seforno #2 (on Pasuk 20): Because one would not bring a blemished animal before one's king. 3
Seforno #3 (on Pasuk 20): Even if the animal is without blemish when it is designated, and becomes blemished only afterwards, one may not bring the Emurim on the Mizbe'ach, 4 because Hashem detests Ba'alei-Mumin.
Seforno (on Pasuk 25): Oznayim la'Torah: As well as the person who brings it.
As the Pasuk writes in Ha'azinu Devarim, 32:4 "ha'Tzur Tamim Pa'olo".
Refer to 22:18:2:2*.
Seforno: As the Torah indicates in Pasuk 22.
Why does the Pasuk see fit to specify "Tamim Zachar ba'Bakar, ba'Kesavim u'va'Izim"?