
Why does it say that he desires the entire day?


R. Yonah: Do not think that the Atzel desires only occasionally, and it is not common, and that he despairs from all his wishes, for they are far from him; therefore, his desire is not constant. This is wrong! He desires more than others, the entire day. According to the distance from man's ability to obtain his physical pleasures, so his desire increases. One who has bread in his basket is unlike one who lacks it (Yuma 18b).


Malbim: The entire day he desires. In place of the Zariz doing Melachah the entire day, and he desires only at night when he is idle from work, the Atzel desires the entire day and does not do anything.


What does the Tzadik give?


Rashi: He gives all needs of his household that Hashem summonses for him.


R. Yonah: This teaches three matters. (a) Since it mentions the Tzadik opposite the Atzel, this teaches that a Tzadik is not lazy, lest he need to take from people - "Yagi'a Kapecha Ki Sochal Ashrecha v'Tov Lach" (Tehilim 128:2), "v'Sonei Matanos Yichyeh" (above, 15:27). Avodas Hashem requires true Zerizus, "Ki Zeh Kol ha'Adam" (Koheles 12:13). (b) Via mentioning the Tzadik opposite the Atzel, he teaches that even though a Tzadik attains pleasures, he abandons matters of desire and gives to Tzedakah - "Kol ha'Yom Chonen u'Malveh", "Tov Ish Chonen u'Malveh Yechalkel Devarav b'Mishpat" (Tehilim 37:26, 112:5). He minimizes and is satisfied with a small amount, in order to give to the poor. (c) Refer to 21:26:3:1.


Malbim: This is the praise of the Tzadik. He gives to the Atzel, and does not withhold. People do not have mercy on the Atzel, even if he will die of hunger; they say, he could work! The Tzadik has mercy on him, for he is like a Choleh who cannot work, since his hands are idle and do not obey him. Therefore, the Tzadik gives to him and has mercy on his poverty.


Why does it say "v'Lo Yachsoch"?


R. Yonah: Even if he gave several times in a day, he will not refrain from an Oni when he requests of him to finance him - "Otem Azno mi'Za'akas Dal Gam Hu Yikra v'Lo Ya'aneh" (13).


Malbim: Refer to 21:26:2:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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