Why does he say "Mal'u Masnai Chalchalah"?
Rashi (from Tanchuma, Reish Balak): The Navi is merciful, and sighs over punishments of the nations.
Rashi: The Navi laments as if Bavel laments. Radak - he speaks on behalf of Bavel, or on behalf of Belshatzar ha'Melech.
Malbim: The lookout speaks on behalf of Bavel. He trembles due to the sudden tidings.
What are "Tzirim"?
Rashi: It is an expression of Chil 1 va'Chavalim.
Rashi (citing Bechoros 45a): A woman has doors and Tzirim (hinges), just like a house does.
Malbim: They are great pains.
Seemingly, the text should say "Tzirim va'Chavalim" (13:8; birth-pangs). (PF)
What is "Na'avesi [mi'Shmo'a]"?
Rashi: It is an illness that Chazal called Avis (Gitin 70a).
Radak: I am confounded from hearing [the punishment that will come to Bavel, all the more so when I will see it]!
Malbim: The order of powers that conduct the body ceased, to the point that I could not hear, "v'Nivhalti me'Re'os" (I was confounded to the point that I cannot see).