
Who passed through all Shivtei Yisrael, and why?


Rashi: Sheva ben Bichri passed through, to entice them to make him king.


Radak #1: Sheva ben Bichri passed through, to flee, when he heard that they pursue him. He came to the city Avelah, to take refuge there.


Radak #2: Yo'av passed through [to chase Sheva ben Bichri].


Is Beis Ma'achah the same as Avelah?


Radak: They were two places near each other. Since verse 15 says "b'Avelah Beis ha'Ma'achah", this implies that there was another city Avel; the one he went to was near Beis Ma'achah.


What are "ha'Berim"?


Radak: They are the places nears the Be'eros (wells) of Binyamin. Sheva went to all of these places, and in the end to the fortified city Avelah, to take refuge there.


Why is it written va'Yiklehu, and we pronounce it va'Yikahalu?


Radak: They are the same. Many words, sometimes the letters are re-arranged, e.g. Keves - Kesev (Vayikra 4:32, 6:23), Simlah - Salmah (Devarim 10:18, Shemos 22:8), Kehilas - Lahakas (Devarim 33:4, Shmuel I, 19:20). From this comes Kalahas (the root of va'Yiklehu).


What is the meaning of "va'Yavo'u Af Acharav"?


Radak: They went after Yo'av. It says Af because initially, they went after Sheva ben Bichri, and when they saw that Yo'av and his men pursue them, people in the places where they passed gathered also after Yo'av to chase Sheva ben Bichri.


Malbim citing Mahari: They went after Sheva ben Bichri like they had gone after Avshalom.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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