Initially there were 26,700 soldiers; 25,100 died, and 600 survived. What happened to the remaining 1,000?
Rashi (48): They fled to cities and were killed the next day when Bnei Yisrael returned to kill the women and children in the cities.
Rashi (46): Eliyahu revealed this to the author of Megaleh Amukos. They settled in the lands of Romi and Ashkenaz (Germany). 1
Radak (15) #1: Perhaps another 1000 died in the first battles in which Yisrael were defeated. You cannot say that no one from Binyamin died. The verse taught only how many died from Yisrael.
Radak citing a Midrash: The other 1000 went to Rumaniya.
Rashi: It says "Eliyahu... mi'Toshvei Gil'ad", for they were not uprooted from their place, rather, they dwelled in their place.