
What are the connotations of "u'Fakdu Sarei Tzeva'os be'Rosh ha'Am"?


Rashi: It means that they place guards in front of the camp and at the back, 1 who wield metal axes a. to prevent anyone from leaving the battlefield, 2 and b. to help those who have fallen to get up and to encourage them to return to the battlefield. 3


Ramban and Seforno: It means that, after the offiers had finished speaking to the people, they appointed the senior officrs. 4


R. Bachye: It hints at angels in charge of the Mazalos to influence them from above to help Yisrael. 5


Since R. Meir would call the end of a rope 'Reisha' (Yerushalmi Sotah, 5:10). See Torah Temimah, note 43.


Rashi: To break their bones if necessary. Sotah, 64a:


Rashi: Since 'Fleeing is leads to falling!' See Torah Temimah, note 42.


Ramban: This was the regular procedure when fighting wars, which the Torah expects us to follow, except when there is no other way of salvation or where it is to make His Name known to His enemies - such as by Keri'as Yam-Suf and other similar occasions.


We find that "the stars fought with Sisera" (Shoftim 5:20 - PF)


Why do they place the senior officers only after the various groups have left the battle-front?


Seforno: In case one of the senior officers would be among those who are sent home and this would place a scare on their troops. 1


Seforno: As the Pasuk says in Amos, 9:1 "Strike the lintel and the door-posts will shake!" See also Oznayim la'Torah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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