What are the connotations of the latter half of the Pasuk?
Rashi #1: 'If you separate from them (the nations) you belong to Me (to serve Me - Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan). If you don't, you belong to Nevuchadnetzar and his associates, and you will be exiled from the holy land'.
Rashi #2 (citing R. Elazar ben Azaryah in the Sifra): It is teaching us to say 'I would love to eat the flesh of a Chazir, but I cannot, since Hashem decreed that I may not!' 1 and not 'Pork disgusts me!' 'I cannot possiblywaer Sha'atnez!'
Rashi: 'One separates from sin for the sake of Hashem (because Hashem commanded us to); One separates from sin and takes upon oneself the fear of Hashem'. See also Torah Temimah, note 59.