
What is the question "Mi Yomar Zikisi Libi Taharti me'Chatasi"?


R. Yonah: If evil people fear and tremble when they appear in front of a mortal king when he sits on Kisei Din, because he is Chacham and fears sin and loves straightness, and he has the ability to do Mishpat, how will creations not fear the Creator?! He tests the heart and investigates kidneys. How will they not be ashamed in front of Him for their evil deeds and thoughts?! Who can say 'I purified my heart', and no bad Midah is left in me? (a) Only then is he Tahor from his sin; one is punished for bad Midos, for Hashem does not desire such a person. (b) Bad Midos beget corrupt deeds. "Mi Yomar Zikisi

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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