
What is the meaning of "Ki Im ka'Es Machar"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Rather, at this time tomorrow.


Malbim: If you will not willingly give to me today, tomorrow [I will take it by force, and you will lose in two ways]. (a) Now I ask only your money. If I send servants to take by force, they will seek [and take also from] "Batei Avadecha." (b) Refer to 20:6:2:2.


What is "Kol Machmad Einecha"?


Rashi: It is the Sefer Torah 1 .


Malbim: They will not leave you with any desired matter.


Refer to 20:6:4:3.



Rashi writes that "Kol Machmad Einecha" is the Sefer Torah. Perhaps it is idolatry!


Radak citing Sanhedrin 102b: We cannot say that it is idolatry, for "Kol ha'Zekenim v'Chol ha'Am" told him to refuse (verse 8), and some of them never served Ba'al (19:18). Achav merited kingship for 22 years because he honored the Torah written with 22 letters 1 . Radak - i.e. there are 22 words in verse 9 "va'Yomer l'Mal'achei Ben Hadad..." Ben Hadad counts like one word, for it is one name. Some texts say 'because he honored the Torah that was given with 22 letters.'


Kli Yakar: Even though many of his 22 years of kingship were before this, he always honored the Torah; his words now reveal about his past. (Sanhedrin 102b implies that Menasheh wanted to fulfill Torah, just the Yetzer ha'Ra for idolatry was overpowering. Perhaps the same applies to Achav. However, he said 'was the Talmid's curse fulfilled, and but the Rebbi's curse [of the Torah] was not fulfilled?!' (Refer to 17:1:2:1.) Perhaps he honored the Torah after Har ha'Karmel when he repented and wanted to follow Eliyahu. (PF)


Rashi writes that "Kol Machmad Einecha" is the Sefer Torah. Why did Ben Hadad want it?


Kli Yakar #1: He wanted to copy it. We may not allow this - "Lo Asah Chen l'Chol Goy u'Mishpatim Bal Yeda'um" (Tehilim 147:20).


Kli Yakar #2: It would be a security, lest Achav rebel against him 1 .


Malbim: It is the extra Sefer Torah that a king must write for himself. Taking it is a sign that Achav will be deposed.


How would this prevent rebellion? Would Achav refrain from rebelling lest Ben Hadad burn or disgrace the Sefer Torah? Did Ben Hadad think that there are no other Sifrei Torah in Yisrael? If he wanted the Torah in or next to the Aron, this was in Yehudah, and not under Achav's Reshus! (PF) The Malbim answers this (refer to 20:6:4:3), but Kli Yakar did not explain like him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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