
Why did she say "Al Tarbu Sedaberu Gevoha Gevoha"?


Rashi: The haughty, who are succeeding now, should not speak much. She alludes to Peninah [Radak - and others who angered her].


Targum Yonasan: Nebuchadnetzar should not blaspheme, for Hashem knows all and will punish for everything.


Bi'ur ha'Gra: The Shirah turns to the fall of the nations. The four expressions refer to Edom (including Amalek), the first to fight Yisrael; in all, Edom did (and will do) so four times (Refidim, after the Meraglim, Churban Bayis Sheni, Gog and Magog).


Malbim: Do not speak to say that Hashem is exalted and does not supervise lowly beings. Gevohah is feminine, for it refers to Elokus.


What is "Asak"?


Rashi #1: It is strong words.


Rashi #2: It is an expression of veering away, like "va'Yatek mi'Sham ha'Harah" (Bereishis 12:8).


Bi'ur ha'Gra: When "ha'Kena'ani Melech Arad" (Bamidbar 21:1) fought Yisrael, they dressed like Kena'anim (so Yisrael would pray to be saved from the wrong nation), but spoke Leshon Amalek.


Should Asak leave their mouths?


Radak: It should not leave their mouths. "Al" refers also to this.


Bi'ur ha'Gra: It left their mouths. Refer to 2:3:2:2. Sometimes the future tense refers to the past (refer to 1:5:1:1).


Why did she say "Kel De'os Hashem"?


Rashi: Hashem knows what is in your hearts. Radak - De'os is plural, for He knows all people's thoughts at once - "ha'Yotzer Yachad Libam ha'Mevin Es Kol Ma'aseihem" (Tehilim 33:15).


Malbim: Do not say that it cannot be that Hashem knows all thoughts, for they change constantly. If he knew them constantly, His knowledge would change from time to time! 1


Really, this is not difficult, for Hashem knew from the beginning all events and thoughts that will be throughout all time. Nothing changes about Him or His knowledge. Time applies only to created beings, who change! (PF)


What is the meaning of "v'Lo Niskenu Alilos"?


Rashi (from Devarim Rabah 2:22): All men's deeds are counted in front of Him. Niskenu is like "v'Sochen ha'Levenim" (Shemos 5:18).


Why is "v'Lo" written with an Aleph, but it is pronounced with a Vov at the end?


Radak: The way it is written shows that people's plans are not fulfilled if Hashem does not want. The pronunciation with a Vov shows that only He has plans. A person says, but does not do - "v'Diber v'Lo Yekimenah" (Bamidbar 23:19).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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