
What are the ramifications of "P'nu lachem Tzafonah"?


Rashi: 'Turn towards the north, and travel along Edom's eastern border'. 1


Rashbam: It means turn northwards towards Eretz Yisrael. 2


Kli Yakar (citing Devarim Rabah 1:19): Metaphorically speaking, it mens 'Hatzpinu (hide) yourselves' (your wealth). 3


See Sifsei Chachamim and refer to Bamidbar, 34:3:1:1*, 34:3:1:1**.


Rashbam: Since they had been traveling in the desert south of Eretz Yisrael.


K'li Yakar: Edom is more jealous of Yisrael than any other nation, because they think that Ya'akov stole Eisav's B'rachah. Smilarly, in Vayeishev Bereishis, 42:1Ya'akov said to his sons "Lamah Tisra'u" ? 'Do not make it seem to B'nei Yishmael and B'nei Eisav that you are satiated', so as not to arouse their jealousy and hatred.


Why did Hashem insert the (otherwise superfluous) phrase "Rav lachem Sov es ha'Har ha'Zeh"?


Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: This was Eisav's reward for saying to Ya'akov "Yesh Li Rav Achi, Y'hi l'cha Asher Lach". (I do not need your gift). 1


Rosh (citing Devarim Rabah 1:15): Eisav honored his father greatly - He even wore special clothes when serving him. Therefore, Yisrael were prohibited from fighting Edom. 2


Alshich: It refers to the great misfortune of being close to this evil neighbor - Aharon died when Yisrael approached Edom. 3


Yalkut Shimoni (806) implies that the reward was that they turned away from Edom. R. Bachye implies that his reward was that they did not fight Edom all those years. (Alterntively, the benefit was that they bought food and water from them (Pasuk 6) during those many years ? PF). See also Oznayim la'Torah.


Devarim Rabah: "Har" alludes to Chevron (which is on a mountain - see Yehoshua 11:21 & 20:7) - because Eisav honored [two of] the Avos buried there (Yalkut Shimoni 806). See also Ba'al ha'Turim in Pasuk 5.


Refer to Bamidbar 20:23:1:1 and note.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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