
What are the ramifications of the fact that the Torah refers to the Ohel Mo'ed by name even whilst they were traveling?


Zevachim, 116b: It teaches us that they wefre permitted to eat Kodshim Kalim 1 anywhere in Machaneh Yisrael, even whilst they were traveling, and they did not become Pasul be'Yotzei. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 1, and Oznayim la'Torah, DH ' Machaneh ha'Levi'im'.


See Torah Temimah, note 2. Because the real Ohel Mo'ed was, not the planks and the curtains, which had been taken down, but the holy Keilim, which were still intact. See Oznayim la'Torah DH ve' Nasa Ohel Mo'ed'. .


When did the Mishkan and the Levi'im travel? What is the meaning of "be'Soch ha'Machanos"?


Rashi, Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: They traveled exactly in the middle of the Machanos, after the two afore-mentioned camps and before the following two. 1


Seforno and Ibn Ezra: The Levi'im (the B'nei Gershon and the B'nei Merari), who carried the Ohel Mo'ed traveled between the first two Machanos, 2 after Yehudah and before Reuven, and K'has after two Machanos. 3


Refer to 4:5:1:2* & 3 2


B'chor Shor: Which explains why the Torah writes "be'Soch ha'Machanos", and not 'be'Emtza ha'Machanos'.


Like the Torah writes later in Beha'aloscha Bamidbar, 10:14-21. Refer also to 2:17:2:3.


What are the implications of the phrase "Ka'asher Yachanu kein Yisa'u"?


Rashi #1 and Rashbam: It implies that they traveled in the same formation as they encamped 1 - Yehudah on the east, Reuven on the south, Efrayim on the west and Dan on the north. 2


Rashi #2 (in Beha'aloscha, 10:25): Based on the Pasuk there "Me'asef le'Chol ha'Machanos", it implies that they traveled in a straight line - like a beam. 3


Seforno: Just as when they encamped, the Mishkan was in the middle, so too when they traveled, the B'nei K'has (who carried the K'lei Kodesh) were in the middle - they traveled after two Degalim.


Gur Aryeh: Just like the Mishkan was set up after two Machanos encamped, so too did it travel after two Machanos had begun to travel. 4


RS"R Hirsh: It implies that, when they traveled, the Mishkan travelled in the middle of the four camps - just like when they encamped, even like the opinion that they traveled 'like a beam'.


Menachos, 95a: It implies that, just as when they encamped, the Lechem ha'Panim became Pasul be'Linah if it was removed from the Shulchan before it was due to be removed, so too, did it become Pasul be'Yotzei when they took down the Mishkan to travel. 5


Yerushalmi Eruvin, 5:1: It implies that, just as they were to encamp according Divine instructions, so too were they to travel accordinng to Divine instructions. 6


Like a box (Rashi in Beha'aloscha, 10:25).


See Rashbam.


Refer to 10:25:1:1 & 2. See also Torah Temimah, notes 5-7.


Gur Aryeh (10:14): Later, in 10:14-21 the Torah records that B'nei Gershon and Merari carried the Mishkan after one Machaneh! The current Pasuk is referring to K'has, who carried [the most important part of] the Mishkan after two Machanos; Gershon and Merari went earlier only in order to set up the Mishkan before K'has arrived.


Refer to 4:7:4:1 and note.


See Torah Temimah, note 8.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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