
Verse 10 already said that Esther did not tell her nation. Why is this repeated?


Rashi: The previous verse ended "u'Mordechai Yoshev b'Sha'ar ha'Melech" - he made her zealous about this.


Vilna Gaon: Even though she saw that (a) she is great in the king's eyes, (b) he exempted all the Medinos due to her, (c) they sent away all the Besulos, and he does not desire them any more, (d) he seated Mordechai among Sarei ha'Melech - all the more so if he knew his relation to her [he would aggrandize him more]! Even so, she did not tell.


Malbim: All the enticements to get her to tell did not help.


Verse 10 already said "Amah v'Es Moladtah." Why does it say here "Moladtah v'Es Amah"?


Malbim: Initially, he wanted to know who she is. It is normal to ask first about her nation, and afterwards her birthplace. Here, he wanted to benefit her nation 1 . He asked first about her birthplace - they will be first to receive the benefit, and afterwards her nation; he will benefit also them due to her.


This implies that he truly wanted to help her nation; it was not merely an enticement for her to tell. However, perhaps this is only what he told her; really, he intended only to get her to tell. (PF)


What is "Ma'amar Mordechai"?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 13b: She showed her Dam Nidah to Chachamim.


Vilna Gaon: Even a minor utterance.


What do we learn from "v'Amnah Ito"?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 13b: She would rise from the bosom of Achashverosh, immerse, and sit in the bosom of Mordechai.


Malbim: Even though she rose to grandeur, she obeyed Mordechai's word like when he raised her.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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