
Why does it say "va'Ya'an" and "va'Yomar"?


Malbim: He said more than he was asked. Since he said that she is Mo'aviyah, he needed to explain that she returned with Na'ami and converted. If not, he should not let a Nochris collect Matanos Aniyim 1 !


Toras Kohanim (Kedoshim 1:3:4): Matanos Aniyim are not for Nochrim. However, for Darchei Shalom, we do not protest if they take (Gitin 5:8). I have no source whether or not this was enacted already in the days of Bo'az. (PF)


What is the tense of "Shavah"?


Rashi: Refer to 1:15:1:1.


What is the significance of "ha'Shavah Im Na'ami"?


Vilna Gaon (5): He praised her in Bo'az' eyes. She abandoned her nation and birthplace in order to cling to Elokei Yisrael

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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