
What is the meaning of "Huged Hugad Li"?


Vilna Gaon: Initially I spoke to marry you, for I heard your good deeds, that you came to convert. However, they told me also that you abandoned your nation of Mo'av. This aroused a Safek if you are permitted to me; "Amoni", and not an Amonis was not yet taught. Therefore, it is suspended until I will clarify this law.


Vilna Gaon (10): I heard your virtue, therefore I ask you to sit here.


Malbim: You found grace in my eyes due to two things. (a) All that you did with your mother-in-law. This shows your good Midos and heart. Normally, a daughter-in-law hates her mother-in-law, especially after her husband dies, and you helped and supported her! (b) The conversion l'Shem Shamayim, without intent for any other benefit. You abandoned you father and mother and went to a nation that you did not know!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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