What are "Eleh ha'Keranos"?
Rashi: They are what I saw initially.
What is the meaning of "Asher Zeru Es Yehudah"?
Rashi: They lowered.
What do we learn from "k'Fi Ish Lo Nasa Rosho"?
Rashi: They lowered them to the point that they did not let anyone from My nation lift his head.
Radak: They gored and strewed them to the point that no Yisrael lifts his head, due to you. "K'Fi" is like the amount. The same applies to "Ish k'Fi Achlo" (Shemos 16:21).
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They did not let a man go with upright posture.
Malbim: Because these horns strewed Yehudah more than is proper, to the point that no one lifts his head, they are depicted as fierce Chayos that gore weak animals. The lambs fear to raise their heads, due to goring.
Who came?
Rashi: The carpenters.
What do we learn from "Lehacharid Osam"?
Malbim: Sometimes they come merely to scare them, so they will not raise horns to gore. Sometimes they come "Leyados" (refer to 2:4:6:2).
What is the meaning of "Leyados"?
Rashi: To cast. Radak ? this is like "va'Yadu Even Bi" (Eichah 3:53).
Malbim: If [the goring nations] are not scared, to scare them, [the carpenters cut off and] cast down their horns.