
How will Hashem agitate all Goyim?


Radak: I will put in their hearts to rush from their places to come to see this honor, and to bring silver and gold.


Malbim: Then will come the signs needed before the true Ge'ulah. All the Goyim will come and gather for the war of Gog and Magog.


What is "Chemdas Kol ha'Goyim"?


Radak: All the Goyim that I will shake from their places, they will come with desire of all the Goyim. I.e. they will bring all coveted things found in their lands - silver, gold, garments and gems. It means b'Chemdas (with the coveted things); the prefix Beis in his own name, like "u'Mar'eh v'Lo v'Chidos" (Bamidbar 12:8), "ha'Nimtza Veis Hashem" (Melachim II, 12:11).


How will Hashem fill the Bayis with honor?


Malbim: This will be the final building that was hoped for. It will be at the top of mountains, and all Goyim will go quickly to it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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