
What is the meaning of "Od Achas Me'at Hi"?


Rashi: From when Malchus Paras, which rules over you, will cease, another [kingdom] will rise to rule over you, from Malchus Yavan. Its rule will be a short time 1 .


Radak: In addition to the great good that Hashem will do later (refer to 2:6:2:2), I will do a small benefit now. Now you have afflicters [who oppose] building the Beis ha'Mikdash. At that time, all Goyim will honor this building with Menachos, silver and gold.


Malbim: My Ru'ach that is amidst you is small. It cannot do great acts and make a great noise. It needs one other [Ru'ach], i.e. the nation will be clothed with Ru'ach of Chachmah, Binah, Da'as and Yir'as Hashem. Via this, it will be a great Ru'ach to make Shamayim and Aretz noisy.


Malbim according to the metaphor: Ru'ach Omedes - Ru'ach Nevu'ah that returned to the nation now, and the last Nevi'im arose from their children - it is a little. The generation does not merit constant Nevu'ah and Ru'ach ha'Kodesh. It needs another Ru'ach to accompany it from their good deeds. Then it will agitate Shamayim, i.e. al natural orders. Hashem will give signs and wonders in Shamayim and Aretz, at sea and on the dry land.


The Yevanim ruled over Yisrael for 180 years (Avodah Zarah 9a). This is far more than the total of Bavel, Paras and Madai. Why is this called a short time? (PF)


How will Hashem make Shamayim and Aretz noisy?


Rashi: It is via miracles done for Bnei Chashmona'i.


Radak: "Mar'ish" is a metaphor for the great honor and good that Hashem will do for Yisrael during Bayis Sheni. Some say that this was in the days of Chashmona'im, and say that this was at the time of Hordus.


Radak citing Sefer Yosef ben Guriyon: There was a great hunger in the days of Hordus, The verse is an exaggeration - Shamayim does not quake!


What will result from making Shamayim and Aretz noisy?


Rashi: They will understand that My Shechinah dwells in this house, and they will bring a gift of gold and silver, like it says in Sefer Yosef ben Guriyon.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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