
What do we learn from "v'Af Ki ha'Yayin Boged"?


Rashi: Even when his grandson Belshatzar will come, his wine will betray him ? he drank wine corresponding to 1000 men.


Radak: One who drinks wine, he betrays. Also "Letz ha'Yayin" (Mishlei 20:1) refers to one who drinks wine. They rejoice as if they drank wine. I.e. every Rasha, Hashem pays to him his reward, be it soon or after a long time, and all the more so this Rasha who drinks wine, i.e. Nebuchadnetzar. He drank much wine and became drunk.


Malbim: Even though Hashem did not tell him when Bavel will fall, He revealed how it will fall. In his third year, Belshatzar made a great feast, and drank wine corresponding to 1000 men 1 . He commanded to bring Klei Beis ha'Mikdash; he, his officers and wives drank from them. They thanked their gods (Daniel 5:1-4), which made them overpower Elokei Yisrael, who cannot take His Kelim from Belshatzar's hand. He thought that the 70 years that Yirmeyahu said [that after this time, Yisrael will return from Galus] had passed. Hashem sent His angel and wrote on the wall "Mene Mene Tekal u'Farsin" (Daniel 5:25). Daniel explained that because he profaned Kodesh Hashem and attributed the strength to idols of silver and gold, his kingship will be Nifras (cut) and given to Madai and Paras. That night Belshatzar was killed, and Malchus Bavel ceased. This was hinted to above "Az Chalaf Ru'ach va'Ya'avor v'Ashem Zu Chocho lei'Loho" (1:11). The Navi told of Melech Bavel's success, and his evil to attribute it to his idols, and interrupted with his Tefilah and dispute with Hashem. Now it explains in detail. Wine caused him to act insanely, to the point that he profaned Klei ha'Mikdash and drank from them.


Tosfos ha'Rosh (Megilah 12b): He drank as much as the best drinker among 1000 people. (Other Meforshim imply that he drank as much as 1000 men together. Even if the 1000 drink only one cup each, how can a person drink 1000 cups, if he is not a giant like Og?! - PF)


What do we learn from "Gever Yahir v'Lo Yinveh"?


Rashi: A haughty person, he and Navehu (his dwelling) will not last. [Belshatzar] became haughty, and said, due to wine, to bring Klei Beis ha'Mikdash and drink from them. This caused him to be killed and his seed wiped out.


Radak: Because Nebuchadnetzar was drunk, he was hasty in his deeds. He did not contemplate what to do. He killed without mercy, and betrayed those who were at peace with him. Yahir is haughty. "V'Lo Yinveh" ? his kingship will not stand a long time, rather, only 70 years. Alternatively, "v'Lo Yinveh" applies to Nebuchadnetzar himself ? he will leave his dwelling and palace when he was separated from people and lived among Chayos.


Malbim: He will not remain in his dwelling. He was killed that night and cast out of his palace.


What do we learn from "Asher Hirchiv ki'Sh'ol Nafsho"?


Rashi: Nebuchadnetzar wanted to attain all his desires liberally.


Radak: This is like it says "Hirchivah She'ol Nafshah" (Yeshayah 5:14). He is like She'ol and death, which receive many Mesim, and they are not satiated ? "Shalosh Henah Lo Sisbanah" (Mishlei 30:15).


Malbim: He widened his desires like She'ol, which is never satiated from receiving Mesim, and they are not satiated ? "She'ol va'Avadon Lo Tisbanah" (Mishlei 27:20). He himself is like death, and is never satiated. The verse depicts death to be the Shali'ach of She'ol. She'ol and Avadon scream 'give, give', and send death to kill people and bring them to She'ol. (We find such a metaphor in Yeshayah 28:15.) His soul's desire is to eat, drink and acquire wealth and pleasure, which is like She'ol, it sends him, who is like death, to kill many, and cut off mighty nations, and his desire is never satiated. Similarly, he is not satiated from killing. Via this, he gathered all the nations that he conquered in his wars.


How is he like death?


Rashi: He is like the angel of death, which is not satiated from killing. So he is not satiated from all his acquisitions.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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