
What is from Hashem?


Rashi: Payment of punishment to evildoers.


Radak: If this refers to the Parashah (Nebuchadnetzar), fire will come from Hashem to the nations. The nations who were with Nebuchadnetzar and his seed ? the Kasdim and those who relied on them - will recognize that their toil will be burned and destroyed when the army of Paras and Madai will come against them, and destroy them and their building. They toiled for them, and brought spoils of the nations to Bavel, for nothing. So Yirmeyahu said "Chomos Bavel ha'Rechavah Ar'er Tis'ar'ar u'She'areha ha'Gevohim ba'Esh Yatzetu" (33:12).


Radak (14): The coming verse implies that this verse refers to the future, in the days of Mashi'ach, like it says "Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz De'ah Es Hashem ka'Mayim la'Yam Mechasim" (Yeshayah 11:9). There it discusses the days of Mashi'ach. And so Yirmeyahu said "Ki Chulam Yed'u Osi lemi'Ktanam v'Ad Gedolam" (Yirmeyah 31:33). This generation will see Hashem's vengeance against Bavel ? in the future they will see even more. Hashem will take vengeance against all the nations that will come with Gog and Magog!


Malbim: The rafter informs via the wood that a decree came from Hashem to pay the evildoer like his evil.


What is the meaning of "va'Yig'u Amim b'Dei Esh"?


Rashi: When His anger will come to them like fire, [it will be] until it is enough for them.


Radak (14): It is as if it says b'Esh; the word Dei is extra.


Vilna Gaon (cited in Ha'aros in Even Shelemah 10:11): This is the fire of Gehinom, a punishment for evil deeds.


Malbim: Nations will light a fire in the roof of the city that they put there via sin. All the nations will toil to extinguish the fire, and they cannot. The rock will make known from the wall that the nations toil for nothing, for later they will destroy the stone wall itself.


Why does it add "u'Le'umim b'Dei Rik Yi'afu"?


Radak: The matter is repeated in different words.


Radak (14): It is as if it says b'Rik; the word Dei is extra.


Vilna Gaon (cited in Ha'aros in Even Shelemah 10:11): This is Kaf ha'Kela 1 , a punishment for idle words.


Malbim: The nations will fly (rush) to save the building ? it will be for nothing, and so Yirmeyahu said "Chomos Bavel ha'Rechavah Ar'er Tis'ar'ar u'She'areha ha'Gevohim ba'Esh Yatzetu" (33:12).


Igeres ha'Gra: One is thrown from one end of the world to the other.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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