What will be the consequence of "mi'Panav Yachilu Amim"?
Malbim: Nations will fear them, and not dare to fight them.
What is "Farur"?
Rashi: It is a pot. This is like "u'Vishelu ba'Farur" (Bamidbar 11:8). The Aleph is extra; it is not pronounced. Radak - the Aleph is to extend the vowel under the Fei.
Malbim: It is Pe'er (beauty).
What is the meaning of "Kibetzu Farur"?
Rashi: It is black like a pot [Radak #1 - due to the locusts. Targum Yonasan is like this.]
Radak #2: Some say that Kibetzu is like "v'Chochavim Asfu Nagham 1 " (10; they held back their light).
Malbim: Every face, its beauty is withheld, amidst fear and sadness.
Radak citing his father: This is wrong. We never find Kibetz in place of Asifah. It says "Esof Yadecha" (Shmuel I, 14:19) - it never says Kevotz Yadecha. It says "va'Ye'esof Raglav El ha'Mitah" (Bereishis 49:33); it does not say va'Yikbotz Raglav. It says "v'Ein Ish Me'asef Osi" (Shoftim 19:18); it does not say Mekabetz Osi. It does not say Kibetzu Nagham (rather, "Asfu Nagham" (10)). Kibutz applies to something scattered, and Asifah to what is not scattered.