What Bris will be with Chayas ha'Sadeh?
Rashi: I will cease damagers from the world ? "Lo Yare'u v'Lo Yashchisu" (Yeshayah 11:9). Radak ? "Ki Im Avnei ha'Sadeh Brisecha v'Chayas ha'Sadeh Hashlemah Lach" (Iyov 5:23), "v'Gar Ze'ev Im Keves" (Yeshayah 11:6), and the entire matter there.
Malbim, from Mahari: The Ma'arachah and nature will not rule over people any more, only over Chayos and birds. They will remain under nature.
Malbim: There will not be any evil in the world ? not from beings with Ratzon, for there will be a Bris with evil beasts (this include savage cannibals) that they not damage. Also refer to 2:20:4:2.
What Bris will be with Ohf ha'Shamayim?
Radak: Locusts 1 and others will not eat Peros and grain.
Malbim: Refer to 2:20:1:3.
Locusts are called "Sheretz ha'Of" (Vayikra 11:21-22). I did not find elsewhere that they are called 'Ohf' Stam. (PF)
What Bris will be with Remes ha'Adamah?
Radak: E.g. snakes and scorpions [will not bite and sting].
Malbim: Refer to 2:20:1:3.
What is the significance of breaking bows and swords?
Radak: "V'Chitesu Charvosam l'Itim" (Yeshayah 2:4; they will make plowshares from them).
Malbim: There will not be any evil in the world, also from beings with 1 choice ? "v'Charati Lahem Bris Shalom v'Hishbati Chayah Ra'ah Min ha'Aretz v'Yashvu va'Midbar la'Vetach v'Yashnu ba'Ye'arim" (Yechezkel 34:25). Also Moshe promised "v'Hishbati Chayah Ra'ah Min ha'Aretz v'Cherev Lo Sa'avor b'Artzechem" (Vayikra 26:6).
It seems that the text should say 'without'. Chayos do not have choice (also Malbim Devarim 32:42 says so). (PF)
How will He break war?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: People who make war [will cease].
Radak: This refers to weapons other than bows and swords, which were mentioned.