
What will Hashem put upon her?


Rashi: Payment of punishment.


Radak: The punishment for her sins in Galus. I will put on her the time that she served Be'alim, and extend their exile to punish them for abandoning My Avodah and serving other gods. The punishment will be even on their grandchildren. Even though the grandchildren will not serve idolatry in Galus, they will be punished, for their Avodas Hashem will not be complete. Therefore, the sin of their fathers' idolatry is added to their sin. It says "v'Hisvadu Es Avonam v'Es Avon Avosam b'Ma'alam Asher Ma'alu Vi" (Vayikra 26:40).


Malbim: In the end, everything that should have made her recognize that the evil comes to her via Hashgachah, it did not help. She saw that I punished her for the days that she served the Be'alim, and did not repent to Me. She adorned herself and pursued her lovers. She was like a Zonah that her husband removed all her garments and took all her ornaments, lest she pursue Zonim, and she was left with only one ring and pearl, and she adorned with them to go after her lovers. So after Hashem punished them in the days of Hoshe'a ben Elah, and Melech Ashur took all that they had, they did not return to Hashem. Rather, they sent to Soa Melech Mitzrayim, served idolatry constantly and forgot Me.


What is the meaning of "Yemei ha'Be'alim Asher Taktir"?


Rashi: She constantly burns [offerings] to them; this is present tense.


What is the meaning of "va'Ta'ad Nizmah v'Chelyasah"?


Rashi: This is an expression of ornaments, like a Zonah who adorns herself to greet adulterers. Chelyasah is adornment in Arabic. Radak ? this is like "va'Chali Chasem" (Mishlei 25:12). Yonason translates uva'Chalitas (an ornament), which is like the Targum of "u'Vatei ha'Nefesh veha'Lechashim" (Yeshayah 3:20), i.e. v'Kadashaya va'Chalitasa.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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