
What is the meaning of "to love your enemies and hate your lovers"?


Metzudas David: Mourning his death shows that you love your enemies, and it follows that you hate your lovers, who save your life, for you are upset that they killed him.


Malbim: Even if you will say that he only wanted to become king, your enemies helped him. Had he succeeded, this would cause love of your enemies and hatred of your lovers!


How did David declare that he does not have officers and servants?


Malbim: Even if you would like that he became king, due to love for your son, a king should consider his officers and servants, the pillars of his kingship, and not be concerned for love of his sons. Matters of the kingship and the Klal (nation) are dearer to kings than their household and private matters. You did oppositely!


How did David show that he would prefer that Avshalom lived and we (your servants) died?


Malbim: Had he lived, the war would have continued until one of them won. 1 Since you prefer that he lived, you prefer that we died.


Avshalom's men were defeated. David's men could have taken Avshalom captive, alive, and the rebellion would have ended (especially if they put out a false report that he died - PF)!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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