
What is the meaning of "v'Shav Mizrach ha'Shemesh"?


Bi'ur ha'Gra: The border returned (Malbim


What is the meaning of "u'Faga bi'Zevulun"?


Bi'ur ha'Gra: The southern border of Zevulun did not go straight with Asher's border, rather, the south of Zevulun began at Beis Dagon.


Malbim: It encountered Zevulun, which was to the north of Asher.


What is the meaning of "uv'Gei Yiftach Kel Tzafonah"?


Bi'ur ha'Gra: It encountered the north of Gei Yiftach Kel, and Yiftach Kel separated in the middle of Asher's border. Asher had two shares in Gei Yiftach Kel, from the north and south. In the north were the cities Beis ha'Emek


What is the meaning of "v'Yatza El Kavul mi'Smol"?


Bi'ur ha'Gra: Afterwards, [the border] went to the north of Asher, to Kevul.


Malbim: After Ne'i'el, the border went from south to north to the northernmost part of Eretz Yisrael; Kavul was there. It was to the left of Eretz Yisrael. The line was opposite the entire eastern border of Zevulun. Some say that Kevul was one of the cities that Shlomo gave to Chiram, and Chiram called them Eretz Kavul (Melachim 1 9:13).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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