What is "ve'Ish Asher Yitma" coming to preclude?
Wha are the implications of "ve'Lo Yischata"?
Yerushalmi Nazir, 7:4: It implies that only someone who is subject to Chituy (being sprinkled) is Chayav Kareis for entering the Mikdash - but not someone who is not. 1
Torah Temimah: Who became Tamei via an Av ha'Tum'ah..
Why does the Torah need to mention Kareis in connection with both Mikdash (here) and Mishkan (in Pasuk 13)?
Rashi (citing Shevu'os, 16b): Because, on the one hand, the Mishkan was anointed with the Shemen ha'Mishchah, whilst the Mikdash was not, whilst on the other hand, the Kedushah of the Mikdash was permanent, whereas that of the Mishkan was not. 1 Consequently, we would not have knmown one from the other.
Shevu?os, 16b: One, to teach us the Din of a Tamei who enters the Mikdash be?Tum?ah, the other ? In Eino Inyan ? the Din of someone enters the Azarah be Taharah, and there is a Meis in the Azarah. 2
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) words ?mi?Toch ha?Kahal??