What does the La'av of "Lo Sa'ashok" entail?
Ibn Ezra: It entails [obtaining somebody else's money] stealthily.
Bava Metzi'a, 111a: "Lo Sa'ashok" is synonymous with "Lo Sigzol", and the Torah inserts it to inform the sinner that he has transgressed two La'avin. 3
Rashi (Ibid., in Devarim, 24:14): whereas the Pasuk there is issuing the same La'av with regard to a poor laborer.
Even though he is not subject to Malkos, since it is a 'La'av ha'Nitak la'Asei'.
What is the difference between Gezeilah (in this Pasuk) and Geneivah (in Pasuk 11)?
Rashbam: Gezeilah entails robbing openly by force, 1 whereas Geneivah applies to stealing stealthily .
Rashbam: as the Pasuk indicates in Shmuel 2, 23:21.
Why does the Torah insert the La'av of "Lo Sigzol"? Why can we not learn it from Ribis and Ona'ah (which also deprive one's fellow Jew of his money)?
Bava Metzi'a, 61b: It comes to add a second La'av 1 for witholding the wages of a hired worker. 2
Bava Metzi'a, ibid: Since the initial La'av is written in Ki Seitzei, Devarim, 24:14.
See Torah Temimah, note 70. And that explains why the Torah places "Lo Sigzol" in the middle of the La'avin of Kovesh S'char Sachir. See Oznayim la'Torah.
What does the La'av of "Lo Salin" entail?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It is a prohibition against holding on to a laborer's wages overnight. 1
Rashi: Literally it means 'The worker's wages should not remain with you overnight'. Moshav Zekenim: "Ad Boker" teaches us that he only transgresses on the first morning.
What is the difference between "Lo Sa'ashok ... " and "Lo Sigzol" on the one hand and "Lo Salin" on the other?
"Lo Sa'ashok ... " and "Lo Sigzol" are confined to one who does not pay the laborer's wages at all, whereas "Lo Salin" also applies to an emplorer who holds back the laborer's wages until the next day.
What are the implications of "Pe'ulas Sachir"?
Bartenura (explaining Bava Metzi'a, 118a): An employer is obligated to pay his employee what he fixed with him or money. He cannot force him to accept what he worked on as payment.
Sifra: The word "Sachir" incorporates Sechirus Karka in the prohibition. 1
Bava Metzi'a, 111a: It incorporates all forms of Sechirus (rental) whether one hires the person, his animal or his Keilim.
See Torah Temimah, note 72.
What are the implications of the word "Itcha"?
Targum Yonasan: It implies that the hirer has the money with which to pay - otherwise he is not subject to the La'av. 1
Bava Matzi'a, 112a: It precludes a. where the laborer did not claim his wages; 2 b. where he does not have the money with which to pay the laborer; c. where the employer arranged for the employee to receive his wages via a shopkeeper or a banker.
Why does the Pasuk here talk about paying a laborer's wages until the morning, and in Ki Seitzei Devarim, 24:15, about paying him before nightfall?
Rashi and Ramban #1 (in Ki Seitzei - both citing Bava Metzi'a, 110b): Because wheres here it is referring to a day worker, in Ki Seitzei, it is referring to a night worker. 1
Ramban #2 (in Ki Seitzei): The simple meaning of both Pesukim implies a day worker, whom one is obligated to pay immediately at the end of the day when he finishes work - before morning arrives, so that he and his family, who rely on his wages to eat, should not starve.
Rashbam: It is referring here to a night-worker, and in Ki Seitzi, to a day-worker..
Rashi: And the Torah is discussing the time-period when each one is entitled to claim his wages, and by which time the employer is obligated to find the money with which to pay.
What are the implications of "Ad Boker"?
Bava Metzi'a, 110b #!: With reference to a day-worker, 1 it implies that a laborer has the entire night in which to claim his wages. 2
Bava Metzi'a, 110b #2: With reference to a day-worker, it implies that the La'av is only applicable until the first morning. 3
Bava Metzi'a (Ibid.): And that a night-worker may claim his wages the entire day that follows we learn from the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei, 24:15 "be'Yomo Titen Secharo". It is not however clear, as to why the Torah writes the Dinim of paying a day worker and a night worker in two different locations?
See Torah Temimah, note 77 who elaborates.
See Torah Temimah note 77 who elaborates.
Seeing as "Lo Salin" intrinsically means 'until the morning', why does the Torah add "Ad Boker"?
Bava Metzi'a, 110b: To teach us that he only transgresses "Lo Salin" until the first morning. 1
Torah Temimah: After that, he only transgresses the La'av in Mishlei "Al Tomar le'Re'acha 'Lech ve'Shov ... '.
How many sins does the employer transgress if he delays payment?
Torah Temimah: He transgress one Lo'Sa'aseh - "Lo Salin" (for a day worker) and "Lo Savo alav ha'Shemesh" 1 (for a night worker) 2 and one Asei - "be'Yomo Titen Secharo" (for either of them). 3
Ki Seitzei Devarim, 24:15.
Others explain that "be'Yomo Siten Secharo" applies only to a night worker, and "Lo Salin" only to a day worker, and "Lo Savoalav ha'Shemesh" to all workers - PF).
Torah Temimah: He also transgresses "Al Tomar Lech va'Shuv? ve'Yesh Itach" (Mishlei 3:28). Refer to 29;13:7:1*.
How many Aveiros does the emloyer transgress if he does not pay the laborer at all?
Bava Metzi'a 111a: He transgresses four La'avin and one Asei. 1
What are the implications of "Pe'ulas Sachir"?
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim (both citing) and Moshav Zekenim (citing Bava Metzi'a 111b): It implies payment for rental of an animal, Keilim and land. 1
Sifra: 'Pe'ulas Sachir' implies everything - even rentala of land. 2
Bava Metzi'a, 118a: It implies that the employer must pay the laborer in cash in accordance with the agreement, and if, for example, 3 he worked in straw and stubble, he cannot say to him 'Take what you worked on as payment!'