What will be abandoned together?
Rashi: Their dead bodies. Malbim - they 1 will be Hefker for birds and animals to eat the entire year.
Radak: The camp of Gog and Magog. And so it says in Yechezkel (39:17), "l'Tzipor Kol Kanaf ul'Chol Chayas ha'Sadeh Hikavtzu va'Vo'u He'asfu mi'Saviv Al Zivchi Asher Ani Zove'ach Lachem..."
Malbim explains that this discusses Machaneh Ashur, unlike Rashi, who says that it discusses Gog and Magog. Yechezkel 39:12 is not difficult for Malbim (refer to 18:6:6:1, 18:6:4:1 and the note there - PF).
What is "Eit Harim"?
Rashi: It is a mountain bird.
What is the meaning of "v'Katz Alav"?
Rashi: The entire summer.
What is "Techeraf"?
Rashi: The entire winter. This is the source that the judgment of Gog will be for 12 months 1 .
"Beis Yisrael will bury them... for seven months" (Yechezkel 39:12)! Perhaps they will delay five months before they begin to bury them. Since our verse hints to summer and winter, this is a source that there will be 12 months in all. (PF)
Why does it mention birds in summer and Chayos in winter?
Radak: Birds fly mostly in summer 1 , and Chayos go mostly in winter.
Presumably, this is because they migrate, and in the northern hemisphere, we see them in summer (when it is winter in the southern hemisphere - PF).
How can our verse say that they will be abandoned the entire winter and summer to birds and Chayos? "Beis Yisrael will bury them, in order to purify the land, for seven months" (Yechezkel 39:12)!
Radak: The birds and Chayos will eat from them during the time that they are engaged in burying them.