What is the meaning of "Hena v'Ivah"?
Rashi: [Melech Ashur] destroyed and exiled [Chamas, Arpad and Sefarvayim].
Radak #1: These are names of Medinos 1 .
Radak #2: They are names of other gods 2 .
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He relocated and exiled them.
Malbim (Yeshayah 37:13): He moved them from their place to exile, and ruined the border so it will not be recognized in the future - "v'Asir Gevulos Amim v'Asudoseihem Shosesi" (Yeshayah 10:13).
Why did he say that Shomron was not saved from him?
Rashi: They served the gods of Aram, their neighbors [and those gods did not save them]. Chamas is from Aram.
Radak (Yeshayah 36:19) #1: Hashem your G-d, in whom you trust, did not save Shomron from me. Why do you think that He will save Yerushalayim 1 ?! Malbim - therefore, do not say that Hashem is stronger than other gods. Shomron are Yisraelim [and He did not save them]!
Radak (Yeshayah 36:19) #2: The calves [that they served] did not save Shomron from me.
Radak: In Yeshayah, it says v'Chi" (with the prefix Vov), to show that this is said in astonishment.