What did Moshe mean when he said to Elazar ha'Kohen "ve'es ha'Eish Z'rei Hal'ah"?
Rashi #1 and Targum Yonasan: He was instructing him to scatter the burning ashes of the Ketores from the pans on to the ground.
Rashi #2 (on Bereishis 19:9), Seforno and Targum Onkelos: He was telling them to throw the ashes at a distance. 1
Seforno: Not by the location where they poured the ashes from the Mizbe'ach, since they were from a Ketores Zarah.
Why were the pans sanctified?
Rashi and Ramban #1: Because the men had made them into K'lei Shareis, 1 thereby rendering them Asur be'Hana'ah.
Ramban #2: Because Hashem had declared them Hekdesh so that they should be a sign for Yisrael.
Seforno: Because the men had sanctified them for general use - and not exclusively for the Ketores that they were bringing.
Ramban: Perhaps that was because they did so at the behest of Moshe (See Ramban); Otherwise, their sanctification to bring on them a Ketores Zarah would have been worthless.