
" ? Asher Tochal Kol Neveilah". Why does the Torah only discuss someone who eats Neveilah ... and not someone who touches it?


Rashi: Because it is referring to the unique case of a Tahor species of bird, whose Neveilah renders Tamei a person who eats it but not one who touches it.


Sifra: " ? asher Tochal Kol Neveilah" implies that it is only Metamei the clothes he is wearing whilst eating it, but not the clothes that he is wearing at the time when he vomits it.


Why does the Torah mention T'reifah, which is not in fact, Metamei?


Rashi: It comes to preclude Tamei species of birds, to which T'reifah does not apply, 1 from the current ruling.


Zevachim, 89a: To compare Neveilah to it; to teach us that just as Shechitah does not permit a T'reifah to be eaten, so too, is Neveilah (of Of Tahor) only Metamei of it is not permitted to be eaten - to render Tahor the clothes 2 of someone who eats a bird on which Melikah was performed in the Azarah (even though technically it is a Neveilah).


Moshav Zekenim: T'reifah does not apply to something that is never permitted to eat.


Lich'orah the person is not Tamei either


What is "ve'Chol Nefesh" coming to teach us?


Chulin, 120a: It incorporates in the current ruling someone who drinks Nivlas Of Tahor that is melted by fire. 1


Sifra: It teaches us that it is only Metamei a peerson whilst he is actually swallowing it 2 - not whilst it is in his mouth and not after he has swallowed it,


See Torah Temimah, note 70.


See Torah Temimah, note 71.


Which Ger does the verse discuss?


Toras Kohanim (7:12:1): He is like an Ezrach, i.e. a convert, who is Ben Bris. We exclude a Ger Toshav. 1


It seems that Ibn Ezra holds that it is a Ger Toshav. We do not let him eat Neveilah in Eretz Yisrael. 2 (PF)


Moshav Zekenim citing Ri: Why do we need a verse to exclude a Nochri? Many Mitzvos do not say "ba'Ezrach uva'Ger", and a Nochri is not included!


Below (20:25), Ibn Ezra says that a Ger Toshav may live among us on condition that he not eat Tamei in the Kadosh land. He also says (18:26) that he is forbidden Arayos [of Yisrael], because he lives in Eretz Yisrael. (PF)


Why must he wash his clothes? The Neveilah is an Av ha'Tum'ah, so he is a Rishon. A Rishon is not Metamei Kelim!


Moshav Zekenim (22:8): This is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv. He is Metamei only at the time he eats (swallows) it, just like one who carries or touches 1 Neveilah is Metamei Begadim only when he carries or touche it.


Surely, this is a printing mistake. The verses (11:24 -28) imply that there is no Tum'as Begadim for touching, and so explain all the Meforshim, including Moshav Zekenim himself there! (PF)



Rashi writes that "T'reifah" excludes Tamei species of birds, to which Tereifah does not apply, Zevachim 68b excludes them from "Neveilah" - they are not forbidden due to Neveilah, rather, due to Tamei! Rashi himself (Nidah 42a) brought this!


Piskei Rid (69b, from Toras Kohanim 7:12:7): R. Yehudah excludes Tamei species from "Neveilah". R. Meir (Chachamim) excludes them from "Tereifah". 1


I do not know why Moshav Zekenim citing Riva left this difficult. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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