
Who is compared to a lion?


Radak, Malbim: It is Sha'ul. Also above (7:3), it says about him "Pen Yitrof k'Arye Nafshi."


What is the meaning of "Yichsof"?


Rashi: He will desire. This is like "Nichsof Nichsaftah" (Bereishis 31:30).


Why does the verse mention an Aryeh (mature lion) and a Kefir (young lion)?


Malbim: A young lion dwells in its den and does not leave to go out to tear prey. It tears what comes to it. When it is an adult, it goes out to ambush prey. Sha'ul is compared to both of them. First he threw his spear at David and tried to kill him covertly in his house several times, like a young lion. Afterwards, he chased him in Midbaros, like an old lion, which goes out to catch prey.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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