
Seeing as the Korban Pesach must be a lamb or a kid-goat, why does the Torah add the word "u'Bakar"?


Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos) and Rashbam #1: "Bakar" refers to the Chagigah of the fourteenth that one brings together with the Korban Pesach if the group is a large one, to enable the Pesach to be eaten to satiation. 1


Ramban, Rashbam #2 and Targum Yonasan: "Tzon u'Bakar" refers to the Chagigah of Yom-Tov 2 that one brings on the fifteenth or throughout the Yom-Tov, which can consist of "Tzon" (sheep and goats) or cattle. 3


Pesachim, 70b: To teach us that 'Mosar ha'Pesach' (a Korban Pesach that was not brought on Pesach) 4 must be brought as a Shelamim - which can comprise either Tzon or Bakar. 5


Whereas "Tzon" refers to the Korban Pesach mentioned in the previous Pasuk. See Seforno, who also seems to learn like this. See Ramban's objection to this explanation.


Ramban: Like the Chagigah that one brings on Shavu'os and Sukos.


Ramban: And it is as if the Torah had written "ve'Tzon u'Bakar (with a 'Vav'), like we find above in 14:4 and in Sh'mos, 1:20. See Ramban, who elaborates. See Oznayhim la'Torah, who asks that the Torah should have mentioned "Bakar" before "Tzon"?


See Torah Temimah, note 6.


See Toqrah Temimah, Ibid., who elaborates.


Having already taught the Korban Pesach in Bo, why does the Torah repeat it here?


Ramban: Because of the new Dinim that it teaches us 1. that the Matzas Mitzvah must be 'Lechem Oni' 1 ; 2. that Chametz may not be found in 'any of your borders'. 2


Seforno: In order to insert "u'Bakar" to hint to the Chagigah (of the fourteenth) 3 even though it was not brought in Egypt.


Refer to 16:3:1:2.


Ramban: Whereas in Bo the Torah writes that it may not be seen in one's house. (Also Sh'mos 13:7 forbids "be'Chol Gevulecha". See R. Chavel's notes.)


Which is brought together with the Korban Pesach.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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