
What sort of Tum'ah do the Par and the Sa'ir atone for?


Rashi: They atone for the desecration caused by people who entered the Mikdash (be'Tum'ah) be'Shogeg and did not find out later 1 , or be'Meizid (They do not atone for Avodah Zarah, Giluy Arayos and Shefichus Damim, 2 all of which are called Tum'os 3 , nor for Yoledes, Nazir and Nazir. 4


If he found out, he would bring a Korban. (PF) See also Sifsei Chachamim.


Which we learn from the 'Mem' in "mi'Tum'os B'nei Yisrael" - See Torah Temimah, citing Shevu'os, 7b & 8a


See Torah Temimah, note 44.


Since the Torah writes "le'Chol Chatosam" and not 'le'Chol Tum'osam' (Shevu'os, 8a).


What are the connotations of "u'mi'Pish'eihem le'Chol Chatosam"?


Shevu'os, 8b: It refers to where one knew that he was Tamei and that he entered the Beis-Hamikdash be'Tum'ah, but then forgot, 1 in which case the Sa'ir atones until he finds out that he sinned and brings his Korban.


Shevu'os. 12b: Pish'eihem" refers to rebellious sins, "Chatosam", to sns by mistake. From here we learn that the Sa'ir la'Hashem and Yom Kipur atone even for Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav be'Meizid (where there was no warning). 2


See Torah Temimah, citing Shevu'os, ibid., and note 68.


See Torah Temimah, note 69.


What does the Torah mean when it writes "ve'Chein Ya'aseh le'Ohel Mo'ed"?


Rashi: It means that Aharon should repeat the process 1 - to sprinkle towards the Paroches whilst standing in the Heichal - once upwards and seven times downwards. (Refer to 16:14:151:1,2.)


Both with the blood of the Par and with the blood of the Sa'ir (Rashi).


Why does the Torah divide the Kaporos on Yom Kipur into three separate sets of Kaparah; one on the Kapores, one on the Paroches and one on the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi?


Ramban (18): Because each one atones for a different area of Tum'ah: The first for Tum'as Mikdash v'Kodashav of the Kodesh Kodashim; the second for Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav 1 of the Heichal and the third for Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav of the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi. 2


Ramban: With reference to the Menorah, the Shulchan, the Lechem ha'Panim and the Paroches itself.


Ramban: With reference to the Ketores. (The goat achieves the same Kaparah for Yisrael. Yisraelim may never go in these places even if they are Tehorim! - PF)


What are the ramifications of the phrase "ha'Shochen itam be'Soch Tum'osam"?


Rashi: It implies that the Shechinah dwells with Yisrael even when they are Tamei.


Yoma, 53a: "ha'Shochen Itam" incorporates Mishkan Shiloh and the Beis-Hamikdash in the obligation of adding Ma'aleh Ashan to the Ketores. 1


Refer to 16:2:5:3.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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