
What is the Chidush that you are your mother's daughter?


Rashi: You are the daughter of Kena'an, that you inherited their land.


Radak: You resemble her deeds to the point that people say, she is her mother's daughter.


Why does it say "Go'eles Ishah u'Vaneha"?


Rashi: They increased their abominations until the land rejected and vomited out its residents ? fathers and children together. Radak ? this is like "Ka'asher Ka'ah Es ha'Goy Asher Lifneichem" (Vayikra 18:28). Gi'ul and Heki are the same (vomiting out).


Radak (according to the Nimshal): Ishah u'Vaneha are a Mashal for the king and the nation as individuals. As a Klal, the nation (Keneses) is called Bas. Bas Yerushalayim, its king and nation were expelled.


Who is her sister?


Rashi: It is Sedom 1 , which is near Eretz Yisrael 2 . Radak ? your deeds resemble Sedom's. They were men of extortion and other abominations. It says Ga'alu (plural) to include Amorah; it says Achosah (singular) regarding the Klal. Also, Sedom was primary in the kingdom.


The coming verse says that also Shomron is her sister! Why did Rashi mention only Sedom? (PF)


Rashi (Bereishis 18:17) proved from "Gevul ha'Kena'ani? Bo'achah Sedomah" (ibid. 10:19) that Sedom is in the land promised to Avraham! This requires investigation. (PF)


Why does it say "Ga'alu" (plural)?


Radak: This includes Amorah. It says Achosah (singular) regarding the Klal. Also, Sedom was primary in the kingdom 1 . Ansheihem u'Vneihem (their kings and nations) Ga'alu ? the land was overturned 2 (Bereishis 19:25).


Sedom and Amorah each had its own king (Bereishis 14:2)! Perhaps Amorah (and Sedom's other three allies) were under the Reshus of Sedom. After the war, only Melech Sedom spoke with Avraham about the spoils and captives (ibid. 21). Hashem told Avraham that he will destroy Sedom and Amorah (ibid. 18:20), and Avraham understood that He refers to all five cities (Rashi ibid. 24)! (PF)


Everyone there was killed. This is unlike Heki (vomiting out). Radak equated them! This requires investigation. (PF)


Why does it say "Imech Chitis va'Avichen Emori"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Your mother Sarah lived among the Chitim, and did not do like their deeds. Your father Avraham lived among the Emori, and did not go in their counsel.


Radak: It seems that your mother was a Chitis and your father was an Emori, for your deeds are like their deeds. This is not so! Your patriarchs and matriarchs were Tzadikim ? Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivkah, and Yakov and his wives. You did not learn from their good deeds, rather, from the deeds of the land that you came from, as if your parents were Emori, Chiti and the other nations that dwelled in the land.


Malbim: It says Imech Chitis because she was born in Eretz Ches; it is the metaphorical mother.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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