What is the meaning of "Hishafech Nechushtech"?
Rashi: Nechushtech is an expression of the bottom, like Nechushto Shel Tanur (Kelim 8:3). Amidst your great "l'Rei'ach Shemanecha Tovim" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:3) for Zenus, your Mekor (source of menstrual blood) flowed.
Radak: Your bottom, i.e. your Ervah, spilled. "Va'Tigaleh Ervasech" repeats this in different words. Something that is spilled, it is revealed.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Because your shame (Ervah) was revealed?
Radak (according to the Nimshal): Your evil deeds were revealed to all the nations, via the punishment that you received for them. This is like Hoshe'a said (2:12) "v'Atah Agaleh Es Navlusah l'Einei Me'ahaveha."
Malbim #1: Your venom and hatred of a Nachash (snake) was spilled.
Malbim #2: Nechushtech is Nichush (divining).
Why does it say "va'Tigaleh Ervasech"?
Radak: Refer to 16:36:1:2.
Who are "Me'ahavayich"?
Radak: Those whom you endeared and joined to them to serve their idolatry.
Malbim: Your fixed lovers, with whom you were Mezanah regularly.
Why does it say "v'Al Kol?"
Rashi: This is like v'Ya'an Kol (due to all?)
Malbim: These are [idolatries with which you were Mezanah in the way of Hefker, with all passerby in a repulsive way - "El Kol Rosh Derech Banis Ramasech? "va'Tefaseki Es Raglayich l'Chol Over" (25).
What is like the blood of her sons?
Rashi: It means, due to the sin of the blood of her sons [I will do this evil to you ? I will gather?]
Radak: Like that sin; you were punished Midah k'Neged Midah. You did not have mercy on the blood of your sons, and slaughtered them to idolatry; also I will not have mercy on your blood. I will bring upon you "Cherev Nokemes Nekam Bris" (Vayikra 26:25).
Malbim: This is the venom and hatred of a Nachash, and the divining and witchcraft; they were great like the blood of your sons that you spilled.
To whom did she give the blood of her sons?
Radak: To the idols mentioned.