
What is the meaning of "va'Tivni Lach Gav"?


Rashi: You built a tall Bimus (a rock set to worship on it) or Mizbe'ach. Va'Tivni is an expression of building.


Malbim: [Achaz] increase to totally abandon Hashem and publicly worship idolatry. He was like a harlot on the road, Hefker to all, until building a place to lie on it.


Why does it add "va'Ta'asi Lach Ramah [b'Chol Rechov]"?


Radak: The matter is repeated [in different words].


Malbim: It is a high place to lie, so all will see and know that here is a place of Zenus. Initially you did so in every street, to be Mezanah with men of the city.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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