
What is the meaning of "Ka'asher Shiklah Nashim Charbecha?"?


Rashi: Amalek cut off the male organ 1 of Yisraelim, and their wives were 'widowed' from their husbands. 2


Malbim: You killed their sons who were your captives; the mothers were bereft of their sons.


Tanchuma (Ki Setzei (10): Amalek cut Milos of Yisrael and threw them up, and said 'here is to You what You chose!'


I.e. the man became a Petzu'a Daka, and was forbidden to his wife. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Ken Tishkal mi'Nashim Imecha"?


Malbim: You prefer death - it would be proper to keep you alive, to suffer life more bitter than death. However, I will kill you to fulfill Midah k'Neged Midah on your mother. She would prefer that you stay alive! This is worse for her than you did to the mothers of Bnei Yisrael. 1


I.e. for the mothers of Bnei Yisrael preferred that their sons die, and not live in captivity. What is Malbim's source for this, and regarding Agag's mother? Mi'Nashim implies more than other women; "Ken" teaches that also she will be bereaved, but not equally. (PF)


What is the meaning of "va'Yshasef"?


Rashi (from Eichah Rabah 3 (Tashiv)): He cut him into four pieces. There is no other word like this.


Eichah Rabah 3 #1: He cut him into small pieces, and cast them to ostriches - "Yochal Badei Oro" (Iyov 18:13).


Eichah Rabah 3 #2: He erected four poles and stretched him out on them


Eichah Rabah 3 #3: He castrated him - "Ka'asher Shikelah Nashim Charbecha Ken Tishkal mi'Nashim Imecha 1 " (refer to 15:33:1:1).


Targum Yonasan: U'Fashach. Rashi - this means 'he cleaved', like in Beitzah 33b. Radak - it is the Targum of "va'Yvaka" (Bereishis 22:3).


According to Rashi, Amalek did so to Yisraelim, and 'widowed' their wives, Shmuel did the same to Agag's mother, if Agag acted like a husband to her. More simply, Agag caused women to be childless, and so was done to his mother. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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