
What are the implications of "Kol ha'Ezrach Ya'aseh Kachah"?


Targum Yonasan and Zevachim, 45a: "Kol ha'Ezrach" precludes a Nochri from bringing an independent Minchas Nesachim, 1 whereas "Kachah" teaches us that his Olah requires a Nesech.


Menachos, 107a: "Ezrach" teaches us that a Yisrael is permitted to bring wine as a Nesech, ?Yih?yeh?, 2 that he is allowed to bring more than three Lugin, and "Kachah", 3 that he is not permitted to detract from three Lugin. 4


See Torah Temimah, note 25.

2. 2

Presumably, this refers to ?Yih?yeh? in Pasuk 115 or 16.


See Torah Temimah, note 27.


The Gemara there learns from the word "Yih'yeh" - in Pasuk 15. that one is permitted to bring more than three Lugin.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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