What does the Torah mean when it writes "ve'Chi Yit'har ha'Zav mi'Zovo"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It means 'when the Zivus ceases'.
Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) word "mi'Zovo"?
Megilah, 8a: In order to Darshen "mi'Zovo", 've'Lo mi'Zovo u'mi'Nega'o' 1
Why does the Torah add the word "Vesafar Lo"?
Sifra: To teach us that the Zav is believed to count fir himself and does not require two witnesses. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 118, who ealborates.
Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) word "Shiv'as Yamim le'Taharaso"?
Rashi: To teach us that the seven clean days that the Zav count must be consecutive one ongoing bout of Taharah) and in the event that he sees Zivus in the middle, he must begin counting all over again.
Why does the Torah add the otherwise superfluous) word "Verachatz Besaro ba'Nayim"?
Kidushin, 25a: In order to Darshen that, just as Besaro is external, so too must all external limbs touch the water, but not internal ones,
Refer to 15:11:0.1:2.
What is the definition of "Mayim Chayim"?
Rashi: "Mayim Chayim" is spring-water. 1
A Zav is the only Tamei person who needs to immerse in spring-water, and not in a regular Mikvah.
Bearing in mind that the Zav is destined to bring his Korban on the following day (as the Torah goes on to state), when does he Tovel?