What is this Pasuk adding?
Rashi: If the Hand alone crushes the enemy, when it is raised in its abundant grandeur it will demolish those so oppose it; how much more so will it consume them like straw when it is extended in wrath!
Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 47, p. 190): We have described that Hashem struck the Egyptians with great might; 1 perhaps that was because they amounted to something before Hashem? This verse emphasizes that no, they were like straw, and Hashem utterly destroyed them.
To whom is the Torah referring when it says "those who arise against You"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It refers to those who arise against Yisrael. 1 (Similarly, the term "Oyev" (15:6) refers to the enemies of Yisrael, who rise against them to do them harm - Targum Yonasan).
Rashi: As the Pasuk indicates in Tehilim 83:3-4. Hadar Zekenim - The reason for this is because they tell Yisrael to transgress Hashem's Mitzvos, as the Pasuk writes, "Al Amecha Ya'arimu Sod ... " (ibid).We also find that "Nikmas Bnei Yisrael" is called "Nikmas Hashem" (see Bamidbar 31:2-3).
What does the Torah mean when it writes, "Yocheleimo ka'Kash"?
Rashi: Refer to 15:5:1:1.
Targum Yonasan: It means that Hashem's anger consumed them like fire consumes stubble.
How can anger consume?