
Do all Ba'alei Chayim look to Hashem?


Radak: Yes - "Kulam Elecha Yesaberun" (104:27). You created them and their food. Some eat grass, some eat seeds, and some eat Ba'alei Chayim. All look to and hope for You. Even though they lack Da'as, their nature is to hope for their rations; we know that the hope is to You, for You give and prepare it.


What do we learn from "v'Atah Nosen Lahem Es Achlam b'Ito"?


Kesuvos 67b: It does not say in their time, rather "in his time." This teaches that Hashem gives each one his food in his time 1 .


Radak: Hashem brings to them via causes. Each species has its own time when it gets its food.


Malbim: You give to each at the time it [normally] eats. Sometimes "Titen Lahem Yilkotun" (104:28) - You give the minimum that is absolutely necessary. Sometimes "Tiftach Yadecha Yisbe'un Tov" (ibid.), and they have more than needed for satiation. "V'Atah Nosen Lahem Es Achlam" refers to the former; they get "b'Ito" - when they need to eat. Also refer to 145:16:1:2.


An Oni proved from here that he does not eat from the Tzibur, rather, from Hashem; Rava agreed.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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