Why did she say again "va'Tomer Shifchasecha"?
Malbim: Since you judged me favorably to save me, my heart was confident to say [the following].
What is the meaning of "li'Menuchah"?
Radak: To relieve me of my worry and sadness.
Malbim: The king and his cast-off son should have rest from his sadness and anger.
Why did she compare David to an angel?
Rashi: Since you agreed to save my son, you will not retract from your word to do good, and not reverse it to anger and hatred.
Malbim: In my case, which did not involve you, you reached the correct law, like an angel, and did not err, due to your straight intellect and love of truth. Also, Hashem helped you. Therefore, your ruling is valid also for your son!
What is the meaning of "Lishmo'a ha'Tov veha'Ra"?
Radak: You judge truthfully according to what you hear.