
Why were the Pelishtim terrified? They had seen that only two Yisraelim approach them!


Malbim (13, 15): Due to Hashgachah, they did not go around the canyon (which was virtually impossible to traverse - refer to 14:5:1:1) and approach Pelishtim from the road, for there the Matzevah was stationed, looking for the enemy. They struck 20 men in between the Matzevah and the camp. The camp assumed that they came from the road, and already overcame the Matzav and Mashchis. They did not know that there were only two. Amidst the camp's panic, also the Matzav panicked. 1


Malbim himself says that Hashem put dread in their hearts (refer to 14:15:4:1)! Even so, miracles normally have a source in nature, and then transcend nature. (PF)


Why does it say "Gam Hemah"?


Radak: Even though the Matzav and Mashchis were holding swords and spears [even they were terrified].


What is the meaning of "va'Tirgaz ha'Aretz"?


Radak: It is a metaphor. The camp of Pelishtim was agitated.


What is "Cherdas Elokim"?


Radak, Malbim: Hashem put dread and panic in their hearts. They did not see why they were afraid. Only Yonason and his youth fought them!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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