
What is the definition of ?S?napir? and "Kaskeses", respectively?


Refer to Vayikra, 11:9:2:1 and notes. 1


See Targum Yonasan here.


The Torah writes in Chulin, 63b that the Torah repeated the forbidden animals to teach about the Shesu'ah, and the birds to teach about the Ra'ah. Why does it then repeat the fish?


Ramban (Hasagos on Seifer ha'Mitzvos, Shoresh 9 DH ve'Al, Aruch ha'Shulchan YD 84:14): Since the Isur of Tamei fish is repeated and does not teach anything new, it comes to add an addittional set of Malkos. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, assuming that it would list them for the same reason as it lists the animals, it would need to list all of the seven hundred speies of Tamei fish! 2


The Rambam (in Seifer ha'Mitzvos, Shoresh 9) holds that, although one transgresses additional La'avim, one does not receive more than one set of Malkos. The Da'as Zekenim and Rosh leave the original question unanswered..


See Oznayim la'Torah.


According to R. Yoshiyah, who states in Sanhedrin, 66a, that a 'Vav' always implies both items, we know that both Simanim are required, why does the Torah need to list the camel and the Chazir?


Moshav Zekenim (citing R. Simchah, citing the Sifra) 1 : The Torah lists them in order to render them subject to a La'av, in addition to the Asei (and this extends to all the other Tamei animals).


Refer also to Vayikra 11:3:151:1

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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